Adding Hospitals/Facilities/Rooms

Adding Hospitals/Facilities/Rooms

Adding hospitals or facilities
Facilities or Hospitals are required for claiming, and for the Invoice Report. To add a new Facility, go to the Databases/Facilities or Databases/Hospitals screen and click +  on the top right.

The following information is required:
  • Code – three letters or numbers (or a combination), created by you
  • Hospital Name, Address details, Contact information (usually pre-filled from our database)
  • Select the Facility Type from a drop-down list. This affects electronic claims and fee calculation. EG Out of hospital rebates are higher than in-hospital 
  • Hospital Provider Number - needed for inpatient claims
  • Doctor Provider Number - this is your provider number for this facility
  • LSPN (required for some diagnostic items e.g. 55130 or 55135 for Transoesophageal Echography) 

IF YOU HAVE A NEW PROVIDER NUMBER FOR THIS SITE you will need to complete an Online Claiming Banking Details form and send it to Medicare, so the new provider number is properly linked up.
 Handy Tips
  • Cutting Edge has a current list of private and public hospitals. Type the first few letters of the facility name to search for it . A drop-down list of facilities will appear. Selecting a Facility from the list will auto-enter the address details, code and provider numbers. You can change the code if desired.
  • If you have different Doctor Provider Numbers, you can enter the specific one for each of your Facilities on this screen.
  • Do not edit the Hospital Provider Number unless you have a good reason. It is how the Facility is known to Medicare and Health Funds.
To edit existing Facility information, go to the Databases/Facilities or Databases/Hospitals screen and click on the arrow on the left of the item. This will show the hospital details that you can edit and save. Clicking on List returns to the Facilities screen.

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