In Cutting Edge you can submit DVA claims electronically, much like any other claim. Simply create a new invoice, enter the patient name and DOB then select DVA as the fund. In most cases CE will look up the Veteran's File Number for you, but if not you can enter and check it verifies. Next enter the item numbers with the correct dates of service, then submit in the usual way. Cutting Edge will check daily for processing and payment reports.
Types of DVA cards
The verification results in the History tab will indicate what type of card and hence what level of cover the veteran is entitled to.
- Gold Card - most veterans hold a Gold Card which covers clinically required treatment for all medical conditions.
- White Card - indicates that the veteran is covered for accepted service-related injuries or conditions. In this situation you will need to complete the White Card Condition box on the Additional Patient Details tab for the claim to be processed.

- Orange Card - The Veteran Orange Card gives access to prescription medicines, wound care items and nutritional supplements at a concession rate. Orange cards cannot be used for medical or other healthcare treatment