Online functions available in Cutting Edge
Cutting Edge software supports all the following functions
Online Patient Verification
- PVF - Patient Verification Fund (Check the validity of patient membership details with a health fund)
- PVM - Patient Verification Medicare(Check the validity of patient membership details with Medicare)
- OVV - Online Veterans Verification (Check the validity of patient membership details with DVA
Online claiming
- IMC - In-Patient Medical Claim (Submit a claim to both Medicare and the health fund - Agreements and Gap Cover Schemes)
- PCS - Patient Claims Store and Forward (Private patient Medicare claims can be lodged with Medicare electronically saving patients from queuing at a Medicare office)
- Bulk Bill claims - claim the rebatable amount directly from Medicare
- DVA Streamlined Paperless claims - what it says! No more paperwork for DVA
Online payment reports (Reconcile your electronic claims with deposits made into your bank account)
- ERA - Electronic Remittance Advice
- Medicare payment reports
- DVA payment reports
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