Registering providers with Medicare

Registering providers with Medicare


Before you can submit electronic claims, all providers must be registered with Medicare for online claiming. There are two ways to manage this.
  1. Via the provider's PRODA account, suitable for single providers or small numbers of providers (details below); 
  2. Submitting manual paperwork to Medicare. If the vendor or practice wishes to manage these in bulk the only way is via the paperwork options (details on this page)
It is vitally important to note that a single provider number can only be used with one Minor ID at a time, each new registration invalidates previous ones. If your providers are using other software and want to continue with that they must request a new provider number to use with your application and the associated Minor ID.

PRODA registration

PRODA (Provider Digital Access) is a government service. 

2. Once logged in go to HPOS (Health Professionals Online Services) service page

3. Then go to My Details

4. Then go to 'My provider numbers'

5. Next click on 'Create a new provider location'

6. You should see a message saying you are eligible to add a new location. If you don't see this message, contact Medicare eBusiness on 1800 700 199.

7. Complete the 4 pages of the forms, including Address, Contact, Organisation and Banking details. 
On the Banking details, the provider should enter the Minor ID we have issued, and ensure the banking details for payments are correct.

NOTE that the provider should contact Medicare eBusiness on 1800 700 199 for assistance with PRODA. 
We are not able to access individual provider's details.

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