

Invoice Summary

This produces a report based on the given date range (inclusive) and filters on the following criteria:

  • The invoice is one of the following statuses:

    • Submitted

    • Follow Up

    • Queued

    • Printed

    • On Hold

    • Complete

  • The invoice total is not $0.00

The report is ordered by the invoice's date of service and is grouped by month to produce a monthly count and balance.

Invoice Item Summary

This lists all of the items used, based on the given date range (inclusive) and filters on the following criteria:

  • The invoice is one of the following statuses:

    • Submitted

    • Follow Up

    • Queued

    • Printed

    • On Hold

    • Complete

The report is ordered by the item number then the item's date of service; being grouped by item number to produce a count and balance.

Payment Summary
Payment Details

Lists the payments taken based on the given date range (inclusive) following criteria:

  • The payment amount is not $0.00

The report is ordered by the payment date and is grouped by month to produce a monthly count and balance, including the amount of GST.

Payment Type Details

Lists the payments taken based on the given date range (inclusive) following criteria:

  • The payment amount is not $0.00

The report is ordered by type of payment for each year and month and is grouped by month to produce a monthly count and balance, including the amount of GST.

Activity Report

This contains the total count and balance of the invoices and payments; including Estimates.

Theatre List

This produces a report of invoices, focussing on the patient details and procedures to be undertaken.  It is based on the given date range (inclusive) and filters; including Estimates.

The report is ordered by the invoice date of service and is grouped by Provider, facility and surgeon for each date.

Procedure List

This produces a report of invoices, focussing on the anaesthetic start time and duration, invoice items and invoice totals.  It is based on the given date range (inclusive) and filters; including Estimates.

The report is ordered by the invoice date of service and is grouped by Provider, facility and surgeon for each date.

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