For new Cutting Edge accounts, if you have previously given your details to health funds, there is no need to inform them that you are using ECLIPSE, unless you need to change your banking details or ABN. As the funds already have your bank account ...
Due to recent security breaches of provider banking details at AHSA they have changed their procedures for registering and updating your details. AHSA requires a copy of the Provider Details in a screenshot from your PRODA account: 1. Login to your ...
Adding and Editing Fund Details Cutting Edge is regularly updated with all funds participating in ECLIPSE. You never need to add registered health funds. Should you wish to manually add a specific fund, such as Workcover or an institution that you ...
Here are some funds that we're often asked about. AHM - uses the Medibank Private fee schedule. AIA - See MYO APIA - is an NIB fund Budget Direct - a GMHBA fund, pays 120% of Medicare for its gapcover product. (GMHBA is otherwise and AHSA fund.) CUA ...
BUPA It's important to put your correct BUPA Schedule Type and Payee ID on the Settings/Online screen. You will not be able to transmit claims to BUPA funds until you do. BUPA pays some providers at 100% of MBS; those providers should set MBS as ...