Workers compensation claims
Workers compensation claims cannot be submitted via ECLIPSE
electronically, they can be emailed via CE8 - click on the email box in the Contact Details box and tick the Use Fund Address in the bottom left corner. Cutting Edge offers the schedules and fee calculations, saving you some
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iCare Workers Compensation Claims
ICare have advised that they no longer accept claims via email. The claim needs to be sent to the relevant insurance authority handling that case - hence the warning that you will have seen in CESoft. iCare is an umbrella organisation that allocates ...
DVA Claims
In Cutting Edge you can submit DVA claims electronically, much like any other claim. Simply create a new invoice, enter the patient name and DOB then select DVA as the fund. In most cases CE will look up the Veteran's File Number for you, but if not ...
Claims with incorrect information
Most claims can't be cancelled electronically Wait to see if the claim is paid. If it is contact the fund to amend the invoice and the fund will also advise medicare. If the invoice is rejected you can then amend the original invoice and resubmit. ...
Types of Online Claims
The Health Fund you've selected on an invoice will dictate which claim type (Medicare, DVA or Private Health) is used. This also sets the Fee Calculation to the correct value. Bulk Bill Claims Electronic Bulk Bill claims allow you to claim the MBS ...
Dealing with Rejected Claims
From time to time electronic claims will be rejected. In this case they will appear on the Rejected Claims tab on the ECLIPSE page. The Invoice Status will also get changed to Follow Up, so you can easily locate rejected claims on the Follow Up tab ...