Getting Started
Pay In Full
When an invoice is issued to the patient to pay in full, the provider is not participating in a scheme or agreement with the health fund such as MediGap or GapScheme etc. The funds will therefore only pay 25% of MBS and Medicare will pay 75% of MBS - ...
Registering/Updating details with AHSA
Due to recent security breaches of provider banking details at AHSA they have changed their procedures for registering and updating your details. AHSA requires a copy of the Provider Details in a screenshot from your PRODA account: 1. Login to your ...
Accessing the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR)
Cutting Edge has the capacity to view patients' vaccine history listed with the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR). To view a patient's AIR data, simply go to the Patient screen and click on the AIR Records tab in the bottom section of the ...
Moving from CE5 to CE8
The CE5 server will soon be closed down and all customers will be moved to CE8. To login to CE8 - go to our website: > user login (Green icon). Use the same credentials that you use to access CE5 ie. Minor ID, User Name and Password. If ...
iCare Workers Compensation Claims
ICare have advised that they no longer accept claims via email. The claim needs to be sent to the relevant insurance authority handling that case - hence the warning that you will have seen in CESoft. iCare is an umbrella organisation that allocates ...
Securing your CESoft account with Multi Factor Authentication (MFA)
Essentials At Cutting Edge we take data security very seriously. Follow these steps to keep your data safe! Each individual user must have their own login. Never share a login with others. If several staff need to access CE please contact us to ...
Patient Notes & Invoice Notes
On an invoice there are two tabs PATIENT NOTES and INVOICE NOTES. Invoice Notes will only appear on that invoice - these notes could be used for when you call the patient etc. any notes that you would want relevant to that episode of care. The Notes ...
Consult Item Fees on a Fixed Fee Invoice
Your Cutting Edge account has a setting that allows you to control how the patient gap is allocated when there are both a pre-op consultation and anaesthetic fees. To update this setting, go to the "Settings" option on the menu, then the "Prompts" ...
Error 9602
Error 9602 indicates that there may be something wrong with the patient’s Medicare card or Medicare record, that doesn’t get picked up on a verification. Possible causes for this error include the Medicare details that are being sent through differ ...
Online Eligibility Check (OEC)
Cutting Edge Software has a function for pre-checking a patient's eligibility to claim items and procedures with their health funds, called Online Eligibility Checking (OEC). This allow users to send an estimate with the expected items and date of ...
Adjusting the size of the text
CESoft is designed to run in any modern browser window. The screens are responsive, which means that screen layouts will adjust to the size of the window. There are some settings in your local browser that you can adjust to suit your needs. The most ...
Searching - Databases
When searching for information in CESoft - if you enter an invoice number you may get multiple invoices appearing - this is due to the SEARCH function matching other data ie. Medicare number - however if you put a + in front, it will only show ...
CV081 & CV082
CV081 and CV082 in the RVG are not exactly equivalent to 22041 in MBS, they vary in description and units. ASA description for CV081 is MAJOR NERVE BLOCK (proximal to the elbow or knee), including intercostal nerve block(s) or plexus block (specify ...
The Cutting Edge Roadmap
We have many new features in the pipeline, here's a small selection Integrated Calendar function PDF Scanner/list importer Fully customisable estimate/invoices/receipts Fully customisable tabular reports, coupled with an advanced search function, ...
How to create Custom Items/User Items
The User Items screen allows you to create custom items to add to your invoice, such as a "Thank you for your payment" or "This invoice has been submitted to Medicare for rebate processing" etc. To add a new User Item, go to the Databases/User Items ...
Handling Medicare Verification Warnings and Errors
Verifying a patient's Medicare Card details may result in a complete match, resulting in a green "Verified" date. It's important to note that Medicare verifications don't require the family name to match if the other factors (first name, DoB, ...
Moving from Access Anaesthetics to Cutting Edge
When you are ready to make the transition from AA to CE, contact our support staff at Our staff will assist you to migrate your settings (provider numbers, hospitals, referrers, templates etc) and give you training in the new ...
Handling two or more identical services on the same day with Not Duplicate Service flags
Medicare checks that electronic claims are not duplicates of other claims that have already been paid. This can cause issues where a patient requires more than one consultation on the same day, or is taken back to the operating theatre. To improve ...
Online Provider Agreement Form
Medicare/Bulk Bill and DVA claims will not be processed online if the Online Provider Agreement Form ( HW-027) has not been completed. This allows for one provider number. If the provider has multiple provider numbers, these need to be added to the ...
Emailing from CE8
>Video embeds here The verification process for the email will send an email to the email address provided. Due to the nature of the content, it can sometimes end up in Spam or Junk folders. This verification is required to allow us to know that ...
Creating an Email or SMS Template
Creating an Email or SMS Template in CE8, step by step. Step 1: Finding your templates In Cutting Edge, click on the "Settings" option on the menu on the left side of the screen. From here, click either "Email" or "SMS" Templates, depending on which ...
Creating a New invoice in CE8
Once you have successfully logged into Cutting Edge Software: On the list on the left side of the screen, click on the "Invoices" option On the top right of the new screen, click the plus icon: This process will create a new blank invoice. You must ...
Stop Chrome from suggesting Address details
If you're using Chrome as your browser you may find that if wants to suggest addresses whenever you tab into an Address box. To prevent this behaviour click on "Manage addresses..." at the bottom of the popup list and turn off the Save and fill ...
Can a PDVC Medicare cheque be mailed to the doctor/practice?
No. When you submit a Medicare claim and the patient has not paid the account in full, Medicare will mail a benefit cheque to the claimant made payable to the practitioner. This is called a "Pay Doctor Via Claimant" cheque (PDVC). It's the patient's ...
Integrated Payment Portal - Payrix
Cutting Edge has partnered with PayRix to create a payment service that is fully integrated into the software, with very favourable rates. There are no setup or monthly fees when using this integrated service. You can easily sign up from your ...
Is my data secure on Cutting Edge?
YES! Our software meets the stringent Australian Government requirements for Medicare, DVA and ECLIPSE online claiming. We operate under a Notice of Integration and a Cloud Computing Licence Agreement with Services Australia All data transmissions ...
How to login to Self Service Support and Knowledge Base
If you have a support query or an issue to report, the best way to do so is through our Self-Service Support Portal. It has a wide range of articles on useful topics, and if you don't find your answer there you can also submit new support tickets and ...
Anaesthetic Age Modifier
The Relative Value Guide (RVG) has an age modifier for anaesthesia on children and the elderly. Prior to 1 November 2019 there was a single MBS item 25015 which was applicable for patients under 1 year of age and 70+ years. It had a value of 1 basic ...
Adding additional providers
You can have any number of providers at your site. Just contact for further information and pricing. We will need: the provider name their speciality the provider number they use for your site No Gap or Known Gap status for Bupa ...
Manually adding Health Funds
Adding and Editing Fund Details Cutting Edge is regularly updated with all funds participating in ECLIPSE. You never need to add registered health funds. Should you wish to manually add a specific fund, such as Workcover or an institution that you ...
Adding surgeons or referring doctors
To add a new referrer or surgeon, go to the Databases > Referrers and click + icon on the top tool bar The following information is required: Code – three letters or numbers (or a combination), created by you Family Name, First Name and Title. ...
Adding your bank details
If you want to print Banking Reports, you can optionally save your practice banking details so they are printed on the header of banking slips. Go to the Settings/Bank Details screen to do so. If you prefer not to enter these details you can still ...
Adding your Online Claiming Details for BUPA and HBF
BUPA It is important to have the correct BUPA Schedule Type and Payee ID entered on the Settings/Online screen. Claims to Bupa will not process if transmitted without the Bupa ID. You also need to update the Bupa Payee ID for each facility/hospital ...
Registering for GST (Allied Health)
Some Allied Health services attract GST. DVA will add GST to their payments, but only if you first register with them. You can find details of GST registration for DVA on this page
Cutting Edge Concierge Service
As a part of your basic subscription, Cutting Edge support staff provide training and advice on the software, by email, phone and remote sessions. Should you require additional support for rejected, unpaid, part-paid, overdue accounts etc, Cutting ...
What is the 90 Day Pay Doctor Cheque Scheme?
Medical providers* can access Medicare's '90 Day Pay Doctor Cheque Scheme'. In this scheme Medicare will automatically cancel 'Pay Doctor' cheques if they are not presented after 90 days, and pay benefits directly into your nominated account. This is ...
System Requirements
Cutting Edge software is fully web-based and will run on any modern computer with an internet connection, including Mac, Windows and Linux without the need for emulators (like Parallels or VMWare). Cutting Edge will also run on tablets such as the ...
Registering with Health Funds
For new Cutting Edge accounts, if you have previously given your details to health funds, there is no need to inform them that you are using ECLIPSE, unless you need to change your banking details or ABN. As the funds already have your bank account ...
Logging in to Cutting Edge
To Open Cutting Edge Open a web browser such as Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer, Edge, Chrome or Opera. For best results, we recommend Chrome or Firefox browsers. Go to our website and click on User Login. This will redirect you ...
An Overview of Cutting Edge Software
Cutting Edge (CE) is a medical billing application for Australian providers. It has been written especially for online claiming and payment, but also handles printed invoices and receipting. It runs on both MAC and WINDOWS. The online claiming ...