Registering with Health Funds

Registering with Health Funds

For new Cutting Edge accounts, if you have previously given your details to health funds, there is no need to inform them that you are using ECLIPSE, unless you need to change your banking details or ABN. As the funds already have your bank account details linked to your provider number(s) they can process the claims and make payment into your nominated account as before.  

If you've never sent claims to funds, you will need to nominate banking details for your provider number(s) with each fund before submitting claims or they will be rejected.
You also need to inform each fund whenever you create a new provider number with Medicare/PRODA.

The links and contact details below will help you to get set up with the funds. This is not an exhaustive list, however, it does cover most of the funds you are likely to come across. 

AHSA is the umbrella organisation for 25+ 'Alliance' funds. 
To register you need to complete the form and attach the letter from Medicare or a screen shot from PRODA of the provider number/s that you wish to register. 
You will also need to send a redacted Bank Statement showing the account and BSB  number where the funds will be deposited.  
The application also needs to be emailed from a personal email address of the provider.

NOTE - BUPA issues a special 'Practice ID' when you register with them. This needs to be entered into the software on the Settings, Online page before you can submit claims.
phone: 1300 367 877 or 1800 060 239
Form must be signed by provider and emailed to Bupa with a redacted bank statement showing the account and BSB number where the funds will be deposited.

Medibank Private
phone: 1300 130460 

phone: 13 13 34 
Form must be signed by provider and emailed.

NIB & Grand United & NIB Gapsure 
phone: 1300 135 540 

Regional Health Funds 
There are a number of funds covering regional areas - see the AHRG list for details, and contact the relevant ones.  You can register online at the following website.
ARHG Member Funds

HBF (for West Australia only)
email: for medical enquiries
Phone: 08 9265 6378
Fax: 08 9265 6282

NOTE - You will also need to contact the Workers' Compensation agency and the Transport Accident authority in your home state.
Not all participate in electronic claiming and these claims need to be submitted via mail or email.
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